As the school year begins, the fall musical, “Footloose”, kicks off with its rehearsal process. “Footloose” is a story about a boy named Ren McCormack who moves from Chicago to a small, rural town ...
Mill Valley is well known for its athletic championships, but some of the brightest minds represent the student body in a competition of a different kind. Scholars Bowl is an academic trivia club that ...
Every summer, students are tasked with reading and analyzing a piece of literature for their upcoming English classes. These assignments have led students to wonder how exactly English teachers decide ...
About two months ago, exchange students Sophomore Mencia Lorenzo Torres from Madrid, Spain, and Junior Emilia Rodriguez Kaempfe from Santiago, Chile, came to the US. Torres main motivation for coming ...
After 13 years at Mill Valley, assistant principal and activities director Marilyn Chrisler, is retiring at the end of the year. She will leave behind a legacy that has positively impacted thousands ...
From doing 24-hour challenges to selling his own merch, freshman Noah Lauer has amassed almost 3,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel “Golden X.” On this channel, he largely posts sports content.
The horrors that are occurring in Gaza in the recent Israel-Hamas war are not something that we are powerless to stop. Understanding the conflict and what we can do about it are critical as more and ...
This is junior Sarah Allerheiligen’s second year on the JAG yearbook staff and she will be taking on the position of a photographer. When outside of the classroom, you can find her on the tennis ...
At the start of the school year, the district introduced a new CrisisAlert security system to improve safety and to make emergency response times quicker. The system was unanimously approved by the ...
Emma Clement, JagWire editor-in-chief, Mill Valley News editor-in-chief This is senior Emma Clement’s third year on the JagWire staff. This year she is JagWire and Mill Valley News editor-in-chief, in ...
On Nov. 22, “Wicked” was released to theatres to rave reviews and a 90% score on Rotten Tomatoes. The film is based on the Stage musical by Winnie Holzman and Stephen Schwartz, which is based on ...