The southern right whales of the Auckland Islands were once reduced to a population that included only 25 mature females. Now numbering more than 1000, their recovery is a testament to the natural ...
Last weekend the Minister of Conservation announced that some of the proposed high protection areas for the Hauraki ...
New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year began in 2009 as a way to engage readers and the public in the craft of photography—an art central to the tenets of this magazine and, we believe, to ...
One of the rarest ecologies in the world is hiding in plain sight, in the centre of the most central suburb of the largest city in New Zealand. Of more than 5000 hectares of rock forest that once ...
The narrative fresh water mussels, known to Maori as kakahi and to science as Hyridella menziesii (and several related species), are oval shellfish, typically between about 50 and 90 mm in length.
Some people at the Department of Conservation did not want us to tell you about the Mokohinau stag beetle featured in this issue of the magazine. This is why we’ve decided to do so. There have never ...
The Cape Reinga-Spirits Bay region of the Far North has great significance for Māori. According to Māori mythology, when the spirits of the dead return to Hawaiki, the homeland of their ancestors, ...
Discuss the ideas presented in the story with your family—at home or over video conferencing. Find ways to involve as many people as possible, especially those who you know are isolated by the ...
Sea lions are coming home to the coasts of southern New Zealand, returning to their former territory after more than 300 years in exile. The big question is: Can we make room for them? A curious New ...
Some of the most attractive podocarp-beech forests in the country, a large lake set in the North Island’s biggest national park, and an excellent network of huts and campsites make the Lake ...
Southland’s remote Waitutu district is considered by many to hold the finest spread of native lowland forest in the country. From shoreline to treeline, a diverse range of forest types unfurl their ...
As you drive south from Westport along the winding and hilly coastal road to the start of this walk, remember that sec­tions of the coastline have been motorable only since the late 1920s. For the 60 ...