Even before the American action, foreign economists believed the Iranian economy won’t get moving again for another decade. Now it is going to take even longer, and most Iranians were extremely angry ...
North Korea announced it will send as many soldiers to Ukraine as Russia requires. North Korea has worked with Russia in the past but never to the extent that North Korean soldiers were sent to fight ...
Corruption scandals are not new and officials and top officials have been accused of profiting from their positions for decades. Corruption in Russia is used to encourage some officials, while ...
Ukrainian and NATO military leaders tend to agree on what is needed but politicians are less able, or willing, to understand the requirements for victory against the Russians. There are also ...
Somalia is located in the northeastern section of Africa known as the Horn of Africa. It occupies a land area of approximately 637,600 square kilometers (185,655 square nautical miles), which is ...
Popular attitudes towards the use of pardons to get criminals to serve in the military are horrifying to parents of men with no criminal record. The pardoned criminals are seen as unreliable and ...
During Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, a large numbers of airspace users needed access to the division s battlespace. Whether it was fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or ...
January 10, 2025: Back in the 1990s the U.S. and Chinese navies both experimented with using TRAM, or Transportable Re-Arming Mechanism for reloading the Vertical Launch System or VLS cells that are ...
Some nations may have secret plans to attack ammonia plants in wartime, but most military planners consider such attacks impractical. A similar mistake was made during World War II, when the committee ...
Other overseas threats involve nations and coalitions. American politicians are warning their European NATO allies that Europe must assume more responsibility for their own defense. Since the 1950s ...
Damaged skin is a major problem among soldiers everywhere. Twenty years ago the American military took inadvertent advantage of those fears by introducing Active Defense System or ADS technology. ADS ...
The Russian disinformation had some success, but nothing decisive. That’s because Russia was the invader of Ukraine, not the victim of any non-existent NATO conspiracy. There is ample evidence of ...