For more than two decades, the United States Government has led in the global HIV response, saving more than 26 million lives. The country's unwavering commitment to addressing HIV stands as a global ...
Breakthrough innovations have come to light that have proved to be more than 95% effective in preventing HIV infection with injections just twice a year. Once a year might even be possible. They could ...
Las brechas existentes en los fondos públicos destinados a la sanidad se pueden salvar eliminando la evasión fiscal y poniendo en marcha impuestos de manera progresiva. La sanidad y el desarrollo ...
A new initiative in Armenia is redefining perceptions of gender roles to end gender-based violence in the country. Gender-based violence remains a significant challenge in Armenia. Deeply rooted in ...
Marouane Abouzid, a 25-year-old from Casablanca, grew up in an environment where social challenges and gender stereotypes were pervasive. However, his perspective changed the day he joined "The Ball ...
En la 67.ª reunión de la Comisión de Narcóticos de las Naciones Unidas que se celebra en Viena, ONUSIDA ha solicitado la ampliación urgente de los servicios para prevenir nuevas infecciones por el VIH ...
GINEBRA, 10 de diciembre de 2024 — El mundo puede acabar con el sida si se respetan, protegen y cumplen los derechos humanos de las personas que viven con el VIH o están afectadas por él, para poner a ...
At the 2011 United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS that took place in June in New York, Member States adopted a new Political Declaration which contained new targets to effectively ...