For years, they’ve been popping up all over the state. Automated cameras to tag speeders and keep school zones safe. But they ...
The Virginia Beach City Council voted Tuesday to approve operation of speed cameras in school zones. It will take about four ...
The Georgia House of Representatives approved two conflicting measures Tuesday regarding the use of school zone speed cameras ...
For years, they’ve been popping up all over the state. Automated cameras to tag speeders and keep school zones safe. But they ...
Despite the end of the school zone speed camera program, Manatee County officials urged local drivers to continue following ...
In the debate over what to do with school zone speed cameras popping up all over Georgia, the state House of Representatives ...
The big story: In an attempt to deter speeding in school zones, municipalities across Florida over the past year have set up ...
MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — Wednesday is the last day school speed zone enforcement cameras will be used in Manatee County.
Some Georgia lawmakers are trying to get rid of automated cameras that enforce school zone speed limits, saying the cameras ...
The Palm Bay Police Department has paused its speed enforcement cameras in school zones. The newly launched initiative was meant to crack down on speeders and ensure students a safer walk to and from ...
The Georgia House of Representatives passed two bills Tuesday aimed at reining in abuses in the use of speed-detection ...