【环球网科技综合报道】1月7日消息,微软首席营销官Yusuf Mehdi在社交平台发文预测:2025年将是“Windows 11 PC换新之年(the year of the Windows 11 PC refresh)”。值得注意的是,2025年恰好是大部分Windows 10 PC停止接收安全更新的一年。Mehdi还为微软处理Windows 10退役的方式定下了基调,他提出了一个“胡萝卜加大.
There is also an emphasis on future versions of Windows 11 because Windows 10 is nearing its end-of-support date, which is on October 14, 2025. Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft’s Executive Vice President and ...
and our focus is on helping customers stay protected by moving to modern new PCs running Windows 11,” says Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft’s executive vice president and consumer chief marketing officer.