Launch of 36TB Exos M happens a month after a new 32TB model emerged Seagate is now comfortably ahead of arch-rival Western Digital For the first time, 10TB-per-platter technology has also been ...
Seagate Technology Holdings plc STX has announced the shipment of Exos M hard drive samples to select customers, with capacities of up to 36 terabytes (TB). Using the innovative Mozaic 3+ platform, ...
Seagate announced that they are shipping 36TB HAMR evaluation drives to customers. A study shows AI will drive demand for storage solutions, such as these.
在大数据时代,新技术层出不穷,而最近希捷公司(Seagate)发布的新款Exos M系列机械硬盘可谓是行业内的一颗重磅炸弹。此款硬盘以36TB的超级存储容量引起了广泛的关注,不仅刷新了市场上存储容量的纪录,更象征着机械硬盘技术的一次重大飞跃。
近期,希捷科技在数据存储领域再次引发热议,推出了最新款的Exos M硬盘,容量高达36TB。这一进展不仅展示了当前机械硬盘技术的进步,也引发了关于未来存储趋势的广泛讨论。希捷的CEO Dave Mosley在发布会上表示,未来有望推出单盘片容量达到10TB的硬盘,甚至容量突破100TB的目标也在视野之内。
Seagate, one of the leading players in the storage segment, has launched a 36TB HDD, its largest capacity to date. The new product in the Exos M series comes shortly after breaking its previous ...
在数据存储的快速演变中,希捷科技再度掀起波澜。近日,该公司正式发布了新一代36TB Exos M硬盘,这一产品不仅成为市面上容量最大的硬盘,更是希捷在数据中心存储领域持续创新的有力体现。在数据存储需求急剧增长的背景下,该硬盘的问世无疑为超大规模数据中心提供了新的解决方案。
希捷公司近日宣布了一项重大进展,其最新的36TB Exos M机械硬盘已开始向特定企业级客户交付,这一消息标志着硬盘存储容量的又一次飞跃。 这款硬盘采用了希捷独创的热辅助磁记录(HAMR)技术,并基于先进的Mozaic ...
Samsung's new 15.36TB PM1753 datacenter SSD is its high-capacity PCIe Gen5 standard bearer. Let's see what it can do in our testing.
中国,北京,2025年1月22日——全球领先的海量数据存储解决方案创新者希捷科技(NASDAQ:STX)宣布在全球范围内,向部分客户交付高达36TB的Exos M ...
The company is scaling the production of Exos M drives with capacities of up to 32TB with a leading cloud service provider while also sampling drives with a capacity of up to 36TB on the Exos M ...