Scientists have developed a 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon, demonstrating a new pathway to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry. Scientists at Nanyang ...
Researchers worldwide have turned to 3D concrete printing as a potential game-changer. This technology, rooted in additive manufacturing principles, promises to revolutionize construction by ...
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon, demonstrating a new pathway to reduce the environmental ...
(Nanowerk News) Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a 3D concrete printing method that captures carbon, demonstrating a new pathway to reduce the ...
To develop their 3D concrete printing system, the research team connected the 3D printer to CO 2 pumps and a jet that sprays steam. When activated, the system pumps CO 2 and steam into the ...
A new way to 3D print concrete can absorb and trap nearly 40% more carbon dioxide than traditional 3D printing methods. It's among ways scientists are exploring to decarbonise cement manufacturing ...