Jio Rs 198 Plan The Rs 198 prepaid plan from Jio comes with a validity period of 14 days, which offers unlimited 5G data, 2GB of 4G data per day, unlimited voice calling and 100 SMS per day.
Here we list all the prepaid and postpaid plans of Vi along with the pricing, benefits, data and validity details. The company offers both 3G/4G plans for its users as detailed here. Vodafone Idea ...
How can I get 1 GB on Airtel? To get 1 GB of data, insert your 4G sim for the first time on the 4G handset, wait for 5-6 hours, and dial 51111. This will give you 1 GB of internet data for 30 ...
Telstra’s cheapest mobile broadband option will set you up with 30GB of data for AU$25 per month. This plan is actually capable of delivering both 4G and 5G speeds, so you’ll get whatever is ...