Anjum Moudgil won silver while Sakshi Sunil Padekar bagged bronze. Local girl Ashi Chouksey bagged her maiden national title, overwhelming Anjum Moudgil of Punjab in the women’s 50m Rifle 3 Positions ...
This aircraft variant of the famous “Ma Deuce” was dubbed the AN/M2 (officially the “Browning Machine Gun, Aircraft, Cal. .50, AN/M2”)—and it was fitted with a substantially lighter ...
The Broncos charter. Tiny USF, just up the freeway, also charters. Stanford charters. Cal charters. “I like to charter any way we can, but sometimes a commercial flight works out just as well ...
Biden signed 50 bills into law on Christmas Eve. Here are 5 of the most interesting ones. The bird at the center of the worst single-species mortality event in modern history isn’t recovering ...
Yes, the flintlock muzzleloader season for deer begins Dec. 26. Bob Frye, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Game Commission, said Pennsylvania’s flintlock season is unique in the United States.