"To fix the underlying problem - which is deformity - we have ... It's bad enough to deal with bunion pain on your big toe. But a tailor's bunion near your pinky toe? They're often even more ...
I was able to squash these problems by wearing sneakers and soaking ... I noticed inflammation at the base of my left big toenail and started daily foot soaking. But when the swelling got worse ...
That can cause plenty of problems, including unsightly bunions, bony bumps that grow at the base of the big toe. Bunions don’t just not look nice: They can also be painful, growing red and swollen.
like a big red bump that starts to form on the big toe joint on the side. This can lead to all kinds of problems. You don't fit well into your shoes, you'll start having pain when you walk ...
Do my feet hold the key to relief for other problems? Experts say there's an acupressure sweet spot between the big toe and your second toe. They use this pressure point for problems like anxiety ...
Scientists have found that our big toe was one of the last parts of the foot to evolve, a study suggests. As our early ancestors began to walk on two legs, they would also have hung about in trees ...