What happens in your body when you consume kacha lehsun daily on an empty stomach? Read on to know the 5 health benefits of ...
A lacto-vegetarian is basically a vegetarian who eats dairy products, but not eggs. Know which all foods are included and ...
As for how much you need to exercise each week, Cornwell said the American Heart Association’s guidelines recommend 150 to 300 minutes of mild to moderate-intensity exercise (like brisk walking, ...
Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is one of the most commonly used painkillers worldwide. It’s often recommended as a ...
Replacing a portion of carbohydrates with protein and fat may help improve cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes, ...
Vegans are also more likely to hit the recommended daily servings of fruits, vegetables and whole grains than meat-eaters.
Of course, you may be wondering, what kinds of snacks should you be eating? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. The best high ...
StudyFinds' Dr. Faith Coleman examines a new study that claims drinking wine is good for the heart, but the research may be ...
Can simple diet and lifestyle changes keep your brain healthy? Do you have the power to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and ...
Drinking a small amount of wine each day may protect the heart, according to a new study of Spanish people following the ...
The mineral helps boost bone strength, promotes better sleep and improves metabolism. As many as half of Americans don't get ...
New York City physician Dr. Michael Aziz said adding the supplement or getting more of it in your diet has longevity effects, ...