What’s it like to celebrate the New Year in Shenzhen, a "city of immigrants"? This Spring Festival, I was invited by my aunt’s family and drove with my parents to Shenzhen for this grand holiday. With ...
新年也不要忘记学习哦,雅思口语Part 2考试如果需要描述 你喜欢的别人的房间,应该怎么写呢?一起来看看吧!
你们还在研究小红书?我们已经在中国做年夜饭啦!You're still figuring out Rednote, but I'm already taking it to the next level: cooking Chinese New Year's Eve dinner in Sichuan!
After flying over 14,485km to Perth, John and Lisa sample fresh snapper and meet a cute marsupial before Lisa tries her hand at crafting traditional Chinese dumplings.
说起鹅,相信很多人会想起一个“童年噩梦”:那就是被它追着跑。不少网友调侃,没有被鹅追过的童年是不完整的。网络截图鹅除了战斗力爆表,它的用途还很多。除了吃肉,球场上飞舞的羽毛球,冬天抵抗严寒的羽绒服里,也时常看到鹅毛、鹅绒的身影。不过,在我们的餐桌上, ...
Imagine a world where marinara sauce isn't part of the American palate. That was true nearly 60 years ago, when food conglomerate Campbell's kickstarts what will become an Italian-American food revolu ...
云南人家 年饭 桌上的一锅菌菇汤,带来了春天的气息。菌菇形似小伞,被云南人认为有驱邪避灾、护佑家人的美好寓意,所以菌菇汤送给人们百邪不侵 “平安顺遂” 的祝福,这是平平安安、万事如愿、进展顺利的意思。
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
丁科技网结合2024整年厨电相关上市公司经营状况以及机构数据观察发现,作为刚需品类的油烟机、燃气灶仍然是行业和品牌的“压舱石”。以华帝为例,从此前公开的经营业绩看,华帝上半年烟机、灶具营收分别同比增长14.61%、3.2%,占营收比重分别为41.88 ...
People have a reunion meal at a restaurant in Lanzhou City, northwest China's Gansu Province, Jan. 28, 2025. Dining with ...