Use the calculator below to figure out how soon you can pay off your credit card debt. Your initial instinct may be to ignore your mounting credit card debt and put off paying down purchases.
And if you have debt on more than one credit card, planning also helps you focus on which balance to pay off first. Below, CNBC Select outlines three common strategies for paying off debt.
What we'll cover Using a balance transfer credit card Consolidating debt with a personal loan Borrowing money from family Paying off high-interest debt first Paying off the smallest balance first ...
Consolidation strategies often come with a lower APR that will save on total interest paid, allowing you to pay off the balance quicker. What Is a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan? Credit card ...
Debt, after all, indicates an obligation and freedom often equates to a lack of obligations. Luckily, due to credit card grace periods, you are given some flexibility with paying off your ...