10 Runners-Up: 10 runners-up will receive a year's supply of Hidden Valley Ranch and a Pizza Hut pizza to create your own signature moments. "Pizza Hut is always looking for innovative ways to ...
Explore how the iconic crocodile has adapted over the decades. At Inkbot Design, we understand the importance of brand identity. With our team of experienced designers and marketing professionals, we ...
Store-bought ranch may differ by brand, but it's a great and tasty ... so you can use that as inspiration to make your own. Add truffle oil or powder to your basic ranch to give it an earthy ...
Learn How to Create a Successful Brand Identity by Following ... They've achieved the holy grail of branding – their names alone evoke strong emotions and associations in customers' minds. So how can ...
Choose your location, hero, baddie and collectable to create the most incredible and fun-looking game possible. If you love gaming why not get creative and design your very own video game level!