KILLEEN, Texas (AP) — A pickup truck driver fleeing police careened through the doors of a JCPenney store at a busy Texas mall, injuring five people before he was fatally shot by officers ...
Drivers face new parking charge hikes of 50 per cent in one area of the north of England. York has confirmed plans to raise parking charges by an average of 50 per cent aiming to encourage more ...
Set above the former Sanskar restaurant, the sign says "TEC SO" and has been leading drivers and passers by to do a double take as they drive past. The former Tesco sign can be seen on the roof of ...
On Windows 11, you can make sure that the audio device drivers are up-to-date in more than one way, and in this guide, I will outline the steps to complete this configuration. It's not a secret ...
Windows Store is not only feature-rich but also significantly faster under the leadership of Rudy Huyn (some of you might remember him from the Windows Phone saga). While the Store’s performance ...
Ironic timing, and all the more reason for all Windows users to ensure that they never find themselves out of support on their PCs. A week ago, Microsoft appeared to shutdown avenues to moving to ...
The driver overcorrected and crossed into the eastbound lane, colliding head-on with the Ford F-250. The impact caused significant damage to both vehicles. The Toyota Tundra came to a final ...
Driver Easy Pro Key is an impressive application that you can use to find missing drivers and then download them to your computer. You can view system information focusing on the machine, RAM, ...
Google Secret Manager provider for the Secret Store CSI Driver. Allows you to access secrets stored in Secret Manager as files mounted in Kubernetes pods. The provider will use the workload identity ...
With Apple bringing a host of new updates with iOS 18.2, there's another feature coming to iPhone courtesy of Microsoft — and it will be of huge help to those with a Windows PC. Microsoft is ...
We’ve got important news for your Windows devices. Starting October 14, 2025, Windows 10 will no longer receive support updates or free software updates. Move to Windows 11 for enhanced security, ...