The animated movie also features music written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of "In the Heights" and "Hamilton." "Encanto" initially premiered in theaters on Thanksgiving. The film received ...
We Don't Talk About Bruno has been delighting children and driving parents up the wall in equal measure since the release of Disney's Encanto in November. But the ridiculously catchy song will not ...
Explore the catchy lyrics of Disney's hit song "What Else Can I Do?" and see its magic. Find more about this enchanting tune today!
Lin-Manuel Miranda is "still surprised" that "We Don't Talk About Bruno" was the runaway hit from Encanto. That's why he's hesitant to guess what could be the fan-favorite song from Mufasa ...
Lin-Manuel Miranda Teases a Possible 'Encanto' Broadway Show: 'I Think It Weirdly Lends Itself Well' Why 'Encanto' 's 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' Wasn't Nominated for an Oscar 'Encanto' Song 'We ...