there have been countless iconic figure skaters through the years. Scroll on to take a look back at the sport through the years and see some amazing vintage photos of famous ice skaters.
NOW: In 2009 Hughes graduated from Yale. She'll be on an online only show on for the Sochi Olympics.
In the previous two world figure-skating championships ... ending her four minutes on the ice with her famous "Hamill camel," a camel spin into a sit spin. From the nine judges, she scored ...
BBC Bitesize takes a look at some of the musical inspirations for some of figure skating's most famous performances. One of the defining moments of the 2014 Olympics has to be Yulia Lipnitskaya ...
One of Hong Kong’s most promising figure skaters often thinks of Uncle Ben from the popular Spider-Man comics. “‘With great power comes great responsibility’. I think Uncle Ben’s quote ...
Several figure skaters who have won or qualified for international competitions are training locally with Elite Training Team at venues like Extreme Ice Center and Pineville Ice House.
During the two weeks of the Winter Olympics, female figure skaters are the most famous people in the world. From the early days of Peggy Fleming, to the Harding-Kerrigan scandal, to America's ...