Malhotra admitted that some female Bollywood actors shy away from calling themselves feminists because of the misconception that it is the same as "male-bashing" and will alienate their male audience.
The South Jersey native, who grew up taking vintage shopping trips to the Cowtown Flea Market and the Old Mill Antique Mall, is the youngest artist at the ongoing 'Soft/Cover' exhibit.
If you’ve heard of Portia Geach – and that’s a big “if” – it might be in relation to the Portia Geach Memorial Award, a prize for portraiture by women artists that was first awarded in 1965. The ...
My silence regarding my mental health has stemmed from several fears — none of them rational. I was afraid that my mental illness meant that I was a bad feminist. I was afraid that people would tell ...
Not only are thousands of women commenting on the video that 2025 is the year of the bush, several others are making videos celebrating it. The message of “full bush in a bikini” has spread far and ...