DIETARY changes such as taking fish oil supplements may help reduce cancer cell growth, according to a new study. The researchers described it as "an important step toward understanding how diet ...
Each year in the UK about 47,600 people are diagnosed with prostate cancer, but a new study has now revealed that a simple dietary change could hold the key to stopping the early stages of the ...
A healthy diet can stop prostate cancer becoming more deadly, a pioneering study has proved for the first time. The results of the 12-year study of nearly 1,000 people with the disease opens the ...
processed vegetable oils. If you are overweight, start a diet to reduce your risk. Eat more fruit: Eat five to nine daily servings of organic fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat plenty of rich red ...
Although diet alone cannot fully prevent cancer, certain foods can raise your chances of getting the disease. Consuming a diet rich in fat and low in fiber may heighten the risk of various cancers ...