Halloween is a horror film series that consists of slasher films focused on the fictional character of Michael Myers. Michael's killings occur on the holiday of Halloween, on which all of the ...
Halloween is a horror film series that consists of slasher films focused on the fictional character of Michael Myers. Michael's killings occur on the holiday of Halloween, on which all of the ...
With a convoluted timeline, we're here to make sense of the familial relationship between Laurie Strode and Michael Myers in ...
There are three movies in total that are called Halloween: one from 1978, another from 2007, and the last from 2018... but which is the best?
Instead, he ends up as yet another of Michael's victims. Tommy, who Laurie had been babysitting as a child in "Halloween" (1978) the night Michael attacked Laurie and her friends, is also a part ...
The franchise began with John Carpenter's "Halloween" in 1978, and since then the series has seen several sequels, reboots, and remakes. Nearly every "Halloween" movie features a battle between ...