Oriental wasps may have evolved a genetic mutation to handle their liquor, thanks to a beneficial relationship with yeast.
Mixed responses from traders on benefits of slashed alcohol duty and unhappiness among the medical sector, but doctors who ...
Amid increasing concern about the health impact of high alcohol, beverage makers are developing low-alcohol products.
Denial is most often used as a defense to an allegation of alcohol or drug abuse in a custody dispute backed up with a claim ...
If you think there is only one spritz beverage on the menu, think again. These add-ins can change your drink to something ...
Hong Kong has cut one of the world’s highest alcohol taxes in an effort to ... the price surpassing HK$200 (£20). Until now, drinks with an alcoholic percentage of 30pc or more, such as vodka ...
An alcohol expert has revealed how long wine, beer and spirits really last once opened - and it's bad news for those who like ...
This means that as more alcohol enters the bloodstream vital body functions will be depressed. At high levels things like blood pressure ... Fact: It takes 2-3 hours to eliminate the alcohol content ...