For many college students with internships and jobs, the annual company holiday party is an excuse to get a bit tipsy. The same expectations apply to a Zoom work party. You may not be able to mingle ...
and the holiday break was a perfect time to try it out. When it first released, Mario Party didn’t have much competition, and people kept playing even if the mini-games destroyed N64's analogue ...
Party games are a wonderful way to combine gaming and socializing, for a hobby that can often be a solitary experience, it’s nice that there are options for when you’ve got all your buddies around.
Yes, the Holidays may be well and truly behind us, but don't think that means you should abandon the best party board games. These are great for any occasion, be it a get-together with friends or ...
If you want a party game that gets people talking, Wavelength is the perfect pick. In some ways, it’s barely a board game; all you’ll find in the box is a giant wheel with a dial, as well as cards ...