Can You Use White Vinegar To Clean? If you do use white vinegar instead of cleaning vinegar, it may be worth tweaking the recipe for your cleaning solution a little to make it stronger and your ...
1. Prepare brine: Combine vinegar, sugar, salt, peppercorns, and pepper flakes in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. 2. Place a clean 1-quart canning jar under hot ...
Here are some easy-to-make DIY bathroom cleaners for spotless shine: Add 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup borax, and 1 cup kosher salt in a jar and mix. Sprinkle on the targeted area followed by scrubbing ...
When it comes to cleaning the kitchen, making sure the cabinets are wiped down, refrigerator is sanitized, and cleaning the sink are obvious steps–but it’s important not to miss a crucial hiding spot ...