If the Christ Child were not divine ... Finally after the Resurrection, Thomas greets Jesus as "My Lord and my God." [John 20:28; cf. Ps 35:23] Jesus confirms this greeting without any hesitation ...
Jesus Christ is most often said to have been born on Christmas, the 25th day of December. His death was sometime in the spring when he was killed by crucifixion at the hands of the Romans.
But before I begin my pilgrimage, I need to probe an explosive question that lurks in the shadows of historical Jesus studies: Might it be possible that Jesus Christ never even existed ...
By Ann Farabee Salvation is simple — but deep. The words were words from my pastor, but I took them home with me. I began to remember the night I accepted Christ into my heart. I let go of the back of ...
This past feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I accompanied my Men’s Ministry and other parishioners to a Lynbrook movie theatre to see the Marian Fathers-made film, “I Am The Immaculate Conception,” ...
Mary Millben expressed her gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for “honouring” Jesus Christ and extended Christmas greetings to Indians Mary Millben praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi ...
You are new, if you have invited Jesus Christ into your life. If you want to be new, you are a simple and humble prayer away from becoming new. What’s new? We are new if, in faith and sincerity, we ...
They are the hope prophesied in the Old Testament; the peace of the Incarnation; the joy it brings; the love we can experience — and Jesus Christ as the culmination of all. When the first candle ...