2024年12月27日——Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼以经典Tiffany Lock系列为焦点,呈现2025新春广告大片。通过充满巧思的视觉演绎,全新广告大片生动描绘蛇年新岁的浓厚氛围,传递属于这一传统佳节的美好爱意、欣荣与希望。
延续Timeless「恒」系列经典设计语言,品牌系列新作匠心选用象征欢乐、幸福的珍罕红玉髓,缀以代表勇气、守护与希望的「六芒星」,焕新寓意圆满的圆盘造型,将时尚美感与多元美好寓意倾注其中。柔润通透的红玉髓化身新年图腾,犹如日升之辉,其温暖浓艳的色调穿 ...
Luka Dončić's Dallas home was burglarized Friday, according to a police report (h/t NBA insider Marc Stein). According to ...
Elizabeth Taylor was notorious for receiving extravagant gifts from her seven husbands, but the Hollywood icon didn’t ...
I read that the bank discourages people from storing jewelry and coins in the boxes, so I did not rent one' Dear Quentin, Is it safe to keep valuables in a bank safe-deposit box? It sounds like a ...