ABC Kids show Bluey is set to receive its own Lego-themed set, in celebration of its tremendous success across the world.
With its 4+ and Duplo collections, Lego is aiming to appeal to younger audiences and has revealed six themed pieces based on ...
Bluey finally makes the cut to be turned into Lego. Agro, Mr Squiggle & Humphrey Bear still waiting on their invitation.
Bluey fans worldwide are rejoicing today at the news they have been waiting years for. The Heeler family and their friends ...
Bluey fans worldwide are rejoicing today at the news they have been waiting years for. The Heeler family and their friends ...
Could Godzilla be the focus of the next LEGO Ideas set? Check out two sets inspired by the giant Kaiju and its appearance on the silver screen.
Bluey is getting its first LEGO sets, with six items from LEGO 4+ and Duplo ranges launching this year as part of a new partnership.
The rumors were true! LEGO has officially announced a partnership with BBC Studios that will see sets inspired by the wildly ...