According to the official price list issued by the Karachi Commissioner’s office, cauliflower was set at Rs40 per kilogram. However, vendors sold it for Rs100.
Add the chopped vegetable flesh and the tomato purée. Cook for about 10 minutes until softened. Add the rice and 150ml/5fl oz of the vegetable stock, raise to a simmer and and cook for 10 minutes ...
This tasty vegetarian chilli is packed with lentils, veggies and beans. Serve with rice and guacamole, and top with soured cream, cheese, coriander, fresh chillies... the list goes on! Each ...
Social media users were shocked at California Guv Gavin Newsom's decision to sit for a podcast during this time of crisis. "Wait, Newsom did a podcast today? He couldn't find a better way to use ...