Tanabe launched Short Stories about Dreamlands manga based on H.P. Lovecraft 's Dream Cycle stories in November 2023, and ...
Eldritch abominations by their very nature are difficult to perceive. They exist on the borders of reality, breaking down ...
H.P. Lovecraft is known as the father of the Cosmic Horror genre of fiction. The creator of Cthulhu and many other terrifying dark gods in his novels paints a bleak and decaying view of our world and ...
Nightdive’s most recent release of John Carpenter’s The Thing Remastered was a success in more ways than financial and ...
Chaosium's newly announced The Sutra of Pale Leaves crashes Cthulhu's mythos headfirst into the excess and greed of the 1980s ...
A creature feature that moves at breakneck pace, it starred Kristen Stewart as mechanical engineer Norah Price, who is part ...
Old Tentacled 'Cthulhu' Fossil, Reveals Monstrous Relative of Modern Sea Cucumbers Scientists have found and reconstructed a 430-million-year-old fossil that gave some fascinating insights into the ...
However, you can also become prey as dangerous animals roam the desolate world looking for a meal. Call of Cthulhu blends adventure with psychological horror and RPG mechanics. It takes you on a scary ...
In a nutshell, Call of Cthulhu is a game about investigating the occult happenings in a world like our own. Though, most people who play tend to set their games in the roaring 20s of the previous ...