NEW DELHI: Top officials of housing and urban affairs ministry, including the secretary K Srinivas, visited different sites at Rashtriya Smriti Sthal and adjoining Vijay Ghat for the memorial of ...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Council was established by Congress in 1980 to lead the nation in commemorating the Holocaust and to raise private funds for and build the United States Holocaust ...
The central government is looking for a place to build a memorial for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The places being considered for the memory of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh include ...
Hymns resonated and eulogies filled the air at a church in Hong Kong one afternoon, much like at any other Christian memorial service. What made the funeral service unusual was that the deceased ...
The Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed that the government will allocate space for a memorial for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Union Minister Amit Shah communicated this decision to ...
The event, which began at 9am, brought together Thais and foreigners with a solemn remembrance of those who perished in the tsunami, and the laying of white flowers to honour their loss.
The Congress has formally requested the government to allocate a separate memorial site for former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. However, the Centre has yet to respond to the Congress's demand.
The service for “Baby Driver” actor Hudson Meek is set for 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Dawson Memorial Baptist Church in Homewood. Visitation with family will begin at 9:30 a.m. The accident ...