It also says that user activity is not logged on GhostGPT and can be bought through the encrypted messenger app Telegram, likely to appeal to criminals who are concerned about privacy. The chatbot can ...
The latest release of Trend Micro Antivirus+ Security adds two new and somewhat arcane features: AI App Protection and blocking of “potentially dangerous website notifications.” The latter is a simple ...
As dozens of cats have contracted the bird flu virus through infected poultry and cattle, veterinarians weigh in on the safety risks of raw cat and dog food.
Google has announced a new Android "Identity Check" security feature that lock sensitive settings behind biometric authentication when outside a trusted location.
A few cats have died from bird flu after eating raw food. And some raw pet food products have been recalled. Here's what to know about the risks to your fur babies, and how to keep them safe.
In this week’s Healthier Together, KIRO 7′s Ranji Sinha sat down with Dr. Nicole Saint Clair, Executive Medical Director of Regence BlueShield, to discuss the issues around cervical cancer. Dr. Saint ...
Norovirus spreads very easily, and people may still be contagious even a week or two after recovering. The main danger is dehydration. No drugs cure norovirus.