when you will get a new statement. You must pay your statement balance in full before the due date to avoid any interest fees. The current balance is a running tracker of how much you owe on your ...
Chafing, a runner’s rite of passage, is the result of friction that occurs when skin rubs against itself or clothing. As anyone who has endured an excruciating post-run shower on freshly grazed skin ...
During her sophomore year of college, former cross country and track and field runner Sarah Keane (25N) suffered a stress fracture in her shin. When Keane went to see a doctor for her injury, they sat ...
Covering Netflix News Independently Since 2013. What’s on Netflix is not owned by or affiliated with Netflix or any of its partners in any capacity. The authors of this site also have no affiliation ...
President Jim Kalua has expressed satisfaction with the strides the association is making, particularly after investing MK10.4 million in a medical scheme for its members. According to Kalua, the ...