Find the most reliable 3D printing filaments for your next project, from everyday PLA to advanced specialty options.
D printing offers an accessible way to create custom and personalized masks at home. But what exactly goes into the cost of ...
In contrast, PETG can be considered the best of both worlds in many cases ... but strength is not one of them. PEKK has exceptional mechanical properties including high tensile strength. One filament ...
Perhaps the most notable would be Polymaker’s PolySher system, which makes use of PVB filament under their brand ... First, its optical properties offer a great deal of transparency: you can see ...
聚对苯二甲酸1, 4-环已烷二甲醇酯,英文名称 poly1,4-cyclohexylene dimethylene terephthalae,简称PCT,是一种耐高温、结晶性的热塑性聚酯。其分子结构式如下: 图1 PCT的分子结构式 PCT是聚酯家族中的一种新型聚酯,由美国Eastman公司于1970年代开发并商品化,1980年代GE公司 ...
Recently a company called Z-Polymers introduced its new Tullomer FDM filament that comes with a lofty bullet list of purported properties that should give materials like steel, aluminium ...
The filament-json-column plugin works as any other Filament Form Builder class. Make sure the column on which it is called is casted to JSON or array within your Eloquent model.