Paint can be expensive, but this solution for transforming bargain paint cans into high-end goods will make your upcycling projects even more budget-friendly.
Some tea bags release billions of tiny plastic particles when immersed in hot water, creating tea that can harm your health and increase your risk of cancer—but not all tea is equally as dangerous.
One person said, “Why does she always look like a cheap hooker? So much money and ... “Sanchez is a plastic joke. Breast implants. Botox lips and face fillers. Dyed black hair.
The best cheap phones aren't anywhere near as flashy as the very best phones, but they do excel at the basics and, as a result, offer great value for money.
I use cases from time to time, but covering up the hard work of a designer with a cheap, plain plastic case doesn't make sense. Cases add protection from drops, make a phone less slippery ...
Oil-producing countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait and Russia, refused to sign ... reduce plastic waste is a reflection of our own consumerist society and our desire for cheap stuff.