Micro USB was once the connector of choice for applications where USB-A was too big, but now USB-C has come to dominate all. It’s becoming standard across the board for many peripherals, and ...
It’s a fact of gaming that you’ll spend hours gripping the same gamepad. Just as with the best gaming headset, that gamepad should be the best you can buy? Well, worry not. We’ve spent weeks gaming ...
[Becky] had some PS4 controllers that were sadly no longer functional. However, most of the buttons and joysticks still appeared to be okay. Thus, she set about designing a replacement PCB to ...
If you love playing games on your PS4 and want the same DualShock controller experience on your PC, you're in luck - it's easy to connect a PS4 controller to a Windows computer. In fact, there are ...
The best PS4 controllers are able to provide extra functionality on the console for those looking for an enhanced play experience. With Sony's previous-generation system now well over a decade old ...
The best PS4 controllers are able to provide extra functionality on the console for those looking for an enhanced play experience. With Sony's previous-generation system now well over a decade old ...
Game console controllers aren't cheap. However, you can save some money by using a PlayStation 4 or 5 controller with your Nintendo Switch, though it comes with two big caveats. Also, any advanced ...
Following is a transcript of the video. Narrator: You've probably seen this before. It's a PlayStation 4 controller. This layout is almost identical to the original DualShock controller, released ...
Normally, the best way to turn off a PlayStation 4 is via its controller. However, if your controller dies while the console is on, you're not out of luck. You can turn off your PS4 without using ...
In the seven years since the introduction of the PlayStation 3, we've seen our gaming consoles transform into living-room hubs through constant evolution and software updates. Those updates weren ...