Bipasha Basu took to her Instagram handle and posted a video from her birthday celebration in Maldives with husband, Karan Singh Grover and daughter Devi.
Previously, I touched on the worst Christmas songs ever written, so why not try my hand at the best? The earworms, the nostalgia bringers, the tear jerkers, this list has them all, and then some!
Or does your attention drift if bands go on a bit too long? Then don't worry, Radio X has a list of some of the shortest songs around. A record so quick, it sets off an alarm at the end.
Wedding preparations could be stressful ... and her go-to karaoke song. Breckenridge also addresses the big romantic moments of the season — including that shower sex scene — and why she ...
Once the first intensity fades, your feelings wither without taking root. You can also develop romantic love without experiencing euphoric, heart-pounding excitement. Someone who falls for their ...