Most of us use WhatsApp to send documents, and WhatsApp recently added a native document scan feature to the app. It lets you instantly capture documents, convert them into PDFs, and share them ...
The Meta-owned company is rolling out an update that brings, among other things, a document scanner to the instant messaging platform. Now, you can simply point your camera at a document and ...
Meta’s messaging service WhatsApp is rolling out a dedicated feature for users to scan documents that they wish to send to others. Users can access the new document scanning feature when they ...
As we move into 2025, they have launched a handy new tool that allows users to scan and send documents without needing any extra apps. Now, users can simply use the camera within WhatsApp to scan ...
While the app already has a bunch of features, users have to rely on third-party apps to scan and send documents. But with a recent update, WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature for iPhone users that ...
WhatsApp has introduced a new feature that allows users to scan documents directly within the app before sending them. Previously, users had to photograph documents, use a dedicated scanning app ...