Launch of 36TB Exos M happens a month after a new 32TB model emerged Seagate is now comfortably ahead of arch-rival Western Digital For the first time, 10TB-per-platter technology has also been ...
近日,存储解决方案提供商美光宣布,其全新的6550 ION NVMe SSD已开始与客户进行认证流程。这款SSD以惊人的60TB容量成为市场焦点,并且是业界首款采用E3.S封装及PCIe 5.0接口的60TB数据中心级产品。 美光6550 ION SSD不仅延续了6500 ION SSD的成功,更在性能、能效、耐用 ...
In addition to the current 36TB model, Seagate has demonstrated progress toward developing 60TB drives. CEO Dave Mosley shared that the company successfully tested a single platter capable of ...