The holiday of love is nearly here, and while there are plenty of gifts for your partner, sharing your affection for your ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin advises a pregnant woman on how to host a party to celebrate ...
Getting married is a big event involving many family and friends, so obviously planning a wedding can be stressful. Also, ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am pregnant, and I’d like to host a coed party to celebrate it.
Miss Manners knows the answer. Cooperative dinners and restaurant excursions have taken over ordinary socializing, to the ...
I would like to just decline the invitations, but it has been expressed to me that I should let the host know why I’m ...
I have two grown children who are doing well, both married, and one is expecting my first grandson. I’m a widow; their dad ...
For Christmas, my daughter travels, and my son spends it with his wife’s family. A few years ago, I rented a condo for us to ...
It shouldn’t matter who pops the question, as long as both people are ready and willing to commit. However, your experience ...
Dear Annie: I have two grown children who are doing well, both married, and one is expecting my first grandson. I’m a widow; ...
I have two grown children who are doing well, both married, and one is expecting my first grandson. I’m a widow; their dad ...
Dear Proposing: First and foremost, it sounds like you dodged a bullet. Thank goodness he didn’t say yes. With that being ...