Taking your time and not rushing can do a lot to prevent an accident. Here are few tips to remind you and your team on how to ...
Slips, trips, and falls are the largest causes of workplace injuries. The only accidents that more often result in personal injury are those involving a motor vehicle. Sometimes the injuries caused ...
Slips, trips, and falls are some of the most common causes of workplace injuries in the US, accounting for over 8 million emergency room treatments every year. While not all these incidents are ...
to minimize the potential for slips, trips, and falls. All UML employees should be able to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions. Please review the topics below, and mitigation strategies regarding ...
Taking some precautions before stepping out the front door can help avoid the embarrassment of falling on the ice, or much ...
Slips and falls can happen at anytime of the year but we like to bring more attention to them in the winter because of the increased risks. But almost every fall can be ...
Patients can minimize winter slip-and-fall injuries through proactive measures like wearing proper footwear and clearing ...
Aside from learning how to drive the vehicles, drivers also get “slip, trip and fall” training to prepare them for the walk from the car to the front door. “It’s unpredictable out there ...
Most of the time when we think about taking care of our personal health, things that come to mind are eating healthy, ...
Accidents involving slippery floors, broken concrete or uneven stairs can lead to injuries that require lengthy recovery periods. Seeking legal assistance from a personal injury lawyer can help ...
raising concerns about slips, trips, and falls. According to the Department of Health, between 2016 and 2020, falls were the ...