Spider-Man Unlimited was a short-lived animated series from 1999–2001 that added a cosmic twist to the Spider-Man mythos. Peter Parker is searching for the astronaut John Jameson, the son of J.
Everyone’s favorite web-slinger is going through it in the latest run of Amazing Spider-Man comics. The new 10-part saga is part of Joe Kelly and artist Ed McGuinness’ The Amazing Spider-Man.
betting big on James Gunn’s upcoming Superman reboot to get DC back on track, none have been as consistently lackluster as the Sony Spider-Man Universe (SSU). Or is it the Sony Universe of ...
Despite taking its name from the Separation Anxiety comic book series, Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety has a lot more in common with Venom's debut series, Lethal Protector. This multiplayer ...
Sony has decided to cancel plans for more Spider-Man spinoff movies in the studio ... Sony released the first 9 minutes of the film for free online. Unfortunately, it confirms that it looks ...
Hasbro has unveiled a wave of Spider-Man-themed Marvel Legends Series figures which includes Retro Card figures for Spider-Man Unlimited, Agent Venom (Flash Thompson), Chamelon, Kaine, Electro ...
The current arc of Amazing Spider-Man has Peter Parker decked out in a new magical suit, using his upgraded powers to fight the so-called Scions of Cyttorak, the demonic children of the magical ...
“Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse,” the third entry in Sony’s animated web-slinging trilogy, has tapped Bob Persichetti and Justin K. Thompson to direct. They have been part of the ...