Kolhapur: Shahupuri police on Friday night arrested two contract workers for stealing copper wire cable from BSNL's telephone building at Tarabai Park.
German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has said damage to two undersea cables in the Baltic Sea looks like an act of sabotage and a "hybrid action", without knowing who is to blame. A 1,170km ...
NATO has said it will enhance its military presence in the Baltic Sea after undersea power and internet cables were cut between Estonia and Finland. The bloc's secretary general Mark Rutte said he ...
Finnish authorities on Thursday seized a ship carrying Russian oil in the Baltic Sea on suspicion it caused the outage of an undersea power cable connecting Finland and Estonia a day earlier ...
Crimes involving the vandalizing of telecom cables and internet lines in King ... This is essentially folks going up and tampering with telephone lines and different types of utilities that ...
HELSINKI, Dec 27 (Reuters) - NATO said on Friday it would boost its presence in the Baltic Sea after the suspected sabotage this week of an undersea power cable and four internet cables ...
Finnish authorities said they boarded and took control of an oil tanker traveling from Russia on Thursday, on suspicion it had caused the outage of an undersea power cable and three internet lines ...