Sometimes children go through difficult times or have emotional needs that would benefit from receiving professional support. In these situations, you might consider scheduling time with a ...
As an alternative, Woolford recommended using natural rewards from activities that your child already enjoys such as more reading time. Even when parents choose to discipline their children ...
ANN ARBOR, Mich. – When young children's behavior becomes challenging, many parents resort to threats – from taking away toys to threatening that Santa will skip their house, a national poll suggests.
Menard, who is raising Benji alone in south-central Louisiana, began to picture a future for her son that diverged from the stories she’d heard about some kids with similar diagnoses ...
For years now, aspiring parents have been designing their children. Screening embryos for disease-causing genes during IVF, selecting their future baby’s sex, picking egg and sperm donors to ...
Reaching more than 3 million families nationwide, we are one of the largest parent-focused digital media and advertising companies in the country.
Hungry for fresh, exciting science activities based in amazing phenomena? Science Snacks are hands-on, teacher-tested activities that bring explorations of natural phenomena into the classroom and ...
It's hardly surprising, then, that properties are expanding their on-site offerings to include additional activities, facilities and room features for children. But with so many kid-friendly ...