Japan's “Oshogatsu “ or "Shogatsu," or New Year's celebrations, are deeply rooted in custom and have great cultural value. Beginning on January 1st and often continuing into the first few days ...
Japanese cuisine is renowned worldwide, with sushi often being the most recognizable dish. However, Japan offers a rich tapestry of flavors and dishes that extend far beyond sushi. From comforting ...
Editor’s note: In the Taste of Life series, cooking experts, chefs and others involved in the field of food introduce their special recipes intertwined with their paths in life. Kazuko Goto ...
The word yakumi refers to the use of traditional herbs and spices. Japanese food wouldn't be the same without favorites like wasabi or yuzu. See how these and more are influencing global food trends.
Now more accessible than ever from Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, the Hokuriku region invites you on a culinary adventure to savour its rich heritage and vibrant natural treasures. Located on the ...