Triumph offers 19 bike models in India, prices start from Rs. 1.98 Lakh for the Speed T4 and go upto Rs. 22.59 Lakh for the Rocket 3. Triumph offers a variety of Petrol powered bikes including top ...
With a heritage to rival the Harley and excellent build quality, the Triumph Bonneville is unquestionably the better performing motorcycle. The early 790cc engined models are lethargic ...
Should you opt for the big-tank Explorer model be prepared for a surprise. Triumph have been clever and by increasing the tank’s volume along its centre and the point it meets the seat it doesn ...
Bettmann & Co. Import Export Agency, bringing bicycles to the U.K. By 1889, Triumph had changed its business model from import/export to manufacturing, opening a bicycle factory in Coventry.