It's helpful to have extra food on hand in case of sickness or poor weather.
Time is running out on meeting rules from both food safety agencies; here’s what you need to be working on this year.
Even though tuna tartare can be prepared with preservative marinades, it is still raw and needs to be treated as such, ...
As the Edinburg facility and others seek to assist people experiencing food insecurity, state lawmakers have more than a ...
The Homer Community Food Pantry would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of those who made our fall Harvesting ...
Whether you're job hunting or aiming for a raise, CBS News business analyst Jill Schlesinger shares expert advice on where to ...
提到罐头,许多人因其长保质期和即食特性,便联想到“防腐剂多”,甚至认为它不如新鲜食材健康。确实,罐头食品的保质期往往较长,甚至能存放三五年,这让不少人将其贴上“垃圾食品”的标签。但事实真的如此吗?其实,罐头真的被误解了。罐头不仅能在保留食材营养的同时 ...
Since childhood, we've been told that eating carrots is good for your eyesight. This reputation is due to their richness in vitamin A, an essential fat-soluble nutrient. A large carrot contains around ...
GB 7098-2015《食品安全国家标准 罐头食品》中规定: 罐头食品是以水果、蔬菜、食用菌、畜禽肉、水产动物等为原料,经加工处理、装罐、密封、加热杀菌等工序加工而成的商业无菌的罐装食品。