刘雯有着独到的个人风格,擅长混搭的她看起来总是有种不经意的酷又不失邻家女孩的亲切感,是“便装模特(models off duty)”风格的最佳代言人。随性的套头衫、印花T恤、各种丹宁单品、vintage外套都是她的最爱,而一个小巧可爱的斜挎包则是必备,刘雯从来不会忘记加上它来为整体感觉很“假小子”的造型增加少女气息。她的街头风格颇受摄影师喜爱,各个时装周的街拍中绝对少不了这个永远长发飘逸,有着甜甜 ...
International fashion and lifestyle magazine Vogue has named Sri Lanka’s South coast as this winter’s hottest travel destination. The magazine says ...
Dua Lipa recently revealed what she carries in her bag. From condiments, books, tarot cards, and other practical necessities, take a look at her what's inside her matte black Hermes Birkin bag.