Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) startup Lilium reveals last-minute agreement with Mobile Uplift Corporation ...
We recently compiled a list of the 10 Best TaaS Stocks to Invest in According to Hedge Funds. In this article, we are going ...
As they prepare for liftoff into mainstream transportation, eVTOLs represent the dawn of a new era. The market opportunity is ...
Market experts opine that the transportation world is surrounded by tech-infused transformation, which creates significant ...
《经济参考报》12月25日刊发记者郭倩采写的文章《回响2024·热词里的经济活力|“低空经济”乘势起飞 催生万亿级市场》。值得关注的是,面对广阔的市场空间,2024年低空经济领域投融资活跃,无人机、eVTOL企业成为投资的热点。
近日,睿安飞科技(Run and Fly)在 eVTOL 飞行汽车数字化起降站设备供应领域迈出重要一步,成功完成数百万天使轮融资。此轮融资由合肥市科创集团领投,蓟门瀚海资本跟投助力,为睿安飞科技的后续发展筑牢根基,注入强劲动能。
西部证券 ( 002673 )发布研报称,低空经济被国家列为战略新兴产业,新质生产力的代表。随着国家及各地政府支持政策不断出台,低空空域逐步释放,行业发展应用有望提速。其中,eVTOL为低空经济新增核心载体,持续看好低空经济在交通、旅游、货运领域发展前景,并重点关注主机厂、核心零部件及其配套设施等投资机会。
Leading electric takeoff and landing plane developers Joby and Archer are seeking 2025 FAA approval of their next-generation aircraft, then initiate air taxi services that may take a long time to ...
Explore Uber's expanding global offerings, from Uber Shikara in India to Uber Shuttle in the US, with plans for air taxis and ...
The craft, an electric vertical takeoff and landing design, has successfully completed its first "free" flight following 50 ...