Dogs with a slipped disc that can't walk, or have difficulty walking, are cases that certainly cause great concern to many dog owners. Affected dogs develop severe back pain, and possibly, difficulty ...
The term treeing in dogs may appear odd, but dogs and trees share an intimate relationship. Many dogs love to pee on trees, and some of them bark at trees too, but treeing brings the art of dogs ...
Alternatively, the cracked area can be moisturized with Vaseline, but a better option is a product known as Udder Balm or Udder Cream as this penetrates and moisturizes better than Vaseline, explains ...
Knowing where a dog's thickest skin is located is an interesting query. Many assume that just because we lead dogs by their collars, they must have very thick skin on their neck, but turns out, this ...
Yes, dogs and their owners can go through a honeymoon period just like couples do when at the beginning of their relationship everything seems deliriously perfect. The phenomenon is most commonly ...
These five fascinating facts about dog whiskers will uncover how your dog perceives the world around him so that you can better understand how life must feel like from a dog's perspective. Dog ...
Among the world of terriers, gameness is a trait that is often misunderstood. Working terriers, as the name implies, are dogs who have been selectively bred for working and their work required ...
Intelligence disobedience in dogs is fascinating, considering how dogs can be taught to make important judgement calls. Discover how intelligent disobedience is trained and what types of service dogs ...
The many Siberian husky coat colors make it difficult deciding which one is the best. After all, the Siberian husky is a stunning breed per se and part of this breed's beauty relies on its coat which ...
Dogs licking their front legs a lot can surely cause dog owners to wonder about what must be going on in their dogs' minds. A closer insight reveals that front leg licking may be triggered by a vast ...
Dogs stick their head out of car windows because it feels rewarding to them. This is the short and simple answer to this question. Of course, there is a longer version and that tackles how dogs ...