Acting National Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People, Lil Gordon, and National ...
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is an independent third party which investigates complaints about discrimination and human rights breaches. Human rights recognise the inherent value of ...
Commission President Hugh de Kretser's opening statement to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, Inquiry into Antisemitism at Australian Universities.
Race Discrimination Commissioner Giridharan Sivaraman has condemned two antisemitic incidents on synagogues over the weekend ...
Improving employment outcomes for people with disability will provide significant benefits to workplaces, the economy, the community and individuals themselves. Employment can provide people with ...
This note was written in response to a request, at an ACIF (Australian Telecommunications Industry Forum) meeting, for clarification of rights and responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination ...
It is common in the legal commentary to refer to child sterilisation as if it is a gender neutral issue, [1] but the overwhelming majority of sterilisations and certainly all the cases heard by ...
Assesses the prevalence and depth of stereotypes and negative attitudes towards older Australians Provides insight into the impact of these attitudes and the resulting behaviours on older Australians ...
Race and racism have been central to the organisation of Australian society since European colonisation began in 1788. As the First Peoples of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples ...
How do individuals who witness or are aware of sexual harassment in their workplace make sense of this? Referred to in some studies as ambient sexual harassment, the vicarious experience of sexual ...
presence in the body of disease-causing organisms.
Disability discrimination is when a person with a disability is treated less favourably than a person without the disability in the same or similar circumstances. For example, it would be ‘direct ...